We Fight For You When You Are Injured At Work
Why Hiring A Lawyer Who Knows The Workers' Compensation Laws Makes Sense
Injured workers are often surprised to discover that obtaining workers’ compensation benefits is not as simple as completing a form. The laws are complex, and the process will make a person feel as if it is stacked against the injured employee.
Your employer and your employer’s insurance provider will not advocate for you in a workers’ compensation claim.
“In fact, they have lawyers looking for ways to control costs, including denying claims, canceling benefits, and finding doctors that will state an employee is not injured. You need someone who will fight just as hard for you.”
Our goal in every workers’ compensation case is to put more money in your pocket than you would recover without enlisting our services — even after we collect an attorney fee.
You need a law firm that will ensure you receive all of your workers’ compensation benefits and protects you from insurance companies. South Carolina’s workers’ compensation laws provide compensation for medical costs and, if warranted, temporary or permanent disability benefits following a workplace injury. Any employer with four or more full-time employees is required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage to its workers. Our law firm helps.
We Are At Your Side Every Step Of The Way
Svalina Law Firm advocates for injured workers in Beaufort County and surrounding counties from offices in Bluffton and Beaufort.
We will help you complete and file your initial claim, ensure that all of your injured body parts are being treated, and you are compensated while you are out of work.
These tasks can be difficult because of roadblocks created by your employer’s insurance company and their lawyers. That is why we believe you must be like a pit bull and lock on to the insurance company to force it to provide your benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act. Svalina Law Firm knows how to work with medical professionals and obtain proper medical records. We bring that knowledge to your case to maximize the compensation you receive.
Under South Carolina law, an employee may receive benefits for a work-related injury that results from an accident or an injury that occurs over time due to work activities. Benefits you can recover include:
- Full costs of medical care for body parts injured on the job
- A portion of your lost wages if you are unable to work
- Full or partial disability for being unable to work in the future
- Compensation for disfigurement, physical impairment or loss of limbs
- Death benefits to survivors for a work-related death
- Cost of transportation to doctor appointments or to pick up prescriptions
You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers
Attorney Samuel “Sammy” Svalina has practiced law in South Carolina for more than 25 years. He has an intricate knowledge of South Carolina workers’ compensation statutes and understands how to present comprehensive medical evidence in order to maximize the amount of benefits his clients recover.
We invite you to schedule a free consultation with Sammy in which he can answer your questions and recommend an effective course of action. It is important for you to know that by law, attorney fees for claimants are approved by the state and only paid if we recover benefits for you.

South Carolina Trial Lawyers Who Can Win For You
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Beaufort Office
1 Professional Drive, Suite 7,
Port Royal, SC 29935
Phone: 843-524-0333
Fax: 843-524-4233