Assertive Legal Representation For Victims Of Medical Malpractice
We rely on doctors and other health care providers to provide safe, ethical and accurate medical treatment. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider deviates from the medical standard of care, resulting in injury to the patient. When this occurs, the patient or the patient’s family may seek compensation by filing a medical malpractice lawsuit.
For more than 40 years, Svalina Law Firm has provided accomplished and aggressive legal representation on behalf of victims of medical malpractice in South Carolina. Medical malpractice cases are among the most complex and difficult cases for injured parties to prove. Our firm has the financial resources, the access to highly regarded medical experts, and the ability to develop strong cases and take them to trial if necessary.
you mean business.
We Can Help You Determine Whether You Have A Case
The first step in determining whether you have a strong medical malpractice case is knowing how the doctor deviated from the generally accepted standard of medical care and treatment. Attorney Samuel “Sammy” Svalina will review the facts of your case during a free consultation. He scrutinizes prospective medical malpractice cases thoroughly before filing a claim. These types of cases are extremely difficult and expensive. Typically, a victim of malpractice has suffered substantial damage. If you have a valid case, you can be assured that we are completely committed to maximizing the amount that you recover.
Under South Carolina Law, before a lawsuit can be brought, an Intent to File Suit must be filed. This means a medical expert must give an affidavit or testimony that the doctor deviated from the medical standard in the treatment of the patient. If the case does not resolve after the Intent to File Suit is filed, a lawsuit is filed and a complex litigation ensues. These cases are not easily resolved due to the fact that they are vigorously defended by doctors and their lawyers.
What Damages Can Be Recovered?
We accept most medical malpractice cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not be responsible for any upfront costs, and you will only pay an attorney fee and any costs to develop your case if we recover a financial settlement or verdict for you. Call or use our online contact form to schedule a meeting with our experienced medical malpractice lawyer.
We represent clients throughout South Carolina in medical malpractice cases from our offices in Bluffton and Beaufort. If your injuries limit your mobility, we will come to you.

South Carolina Trial Lawyers Who Can Win For You
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Beaufort Office
1 Professional Drive, Suite 7,
Port Royal, SC 29935
Phone: 843-524-0333
Fax: 843-524-4233